Friday, March 04, 2005

March 2005 Horoscope

"The 1st and the 2nd, you could feel a little bit like a reed in a storm: the elements are blowing you in all kinds of directions, and it's cold out there! Luckily, you're a reed, not the proverbial old oak tree -- that is, you can bend with the wind so you won't topple! The storm -- and all those tricky emotions it kicked up -- will blow over by the 3rd, when you'll be ready to take off your rain slicker and strap on your hiking-and-exploring boots for a little high energy action and adventure! Watch out the 9th -- and, for that matter, the 10th -- when an unusual weather pattern could turn into the storm of the century. Make sure you've got your emergency supplies -- batteries, flashlight, emotional maturity -- ready in the basement. By the 11th through the 13th, there's a new kind of hurricane on the horizon. It's a hurly burly bundle of good times, and its name is -- you! Put these insights to good use on the 17th, 18th and 19th, when an emotional challenge might rear its head. After you've successfully dealt with that, plan a celebration for the 24th or 25th. By the end of the month, you can rest on your laurels -- for now!" from ivillage


Blogger Alice said...

Hmm... plan a celebration on the 24th or 25th? Now what would YOU have to celebrate? I wonder could it begin with a 3 and end with an 0.

I just hope it isn't the end of being a reed and the beginning of becoming the proverbial old oak tree.

Cheers to your laurels.

4:26 PM  
Blogger Cameron H said...

Marta, do you even have a basement? Cause if not you might be in trouble!

8:36 PM  

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