Friday, February 04, 2005

F like Frank

So I have narrowed down my criteria for finding someone to spend the rest of my life with. Cute, funny, smart, liking dogs... and has to have a last name that begins with "F". You might ask "why?". Well, my email address is my first name and then two initials for the city that I live in. As my last name ALSO starts with the same letter as the first letter of my city's name, I will NEVER have to change my e-mail address if I just find a man with a last name of F....... (then, even if I move, I can keep SF)


Blogger Alice said...

Okay... are you trying to propose to me in some wierd way? I'm NOT going to marry you even if this IS S.F.

Great logic though... people have chosen mates for worse reasons.

For now though the F could stand for "Flack".

11:45 AM  
Blogger Christian F said...

Rebecca isn't really your type. I have some cousins (who aren't really your type either) that you should meet because it seems like they meet your requirements.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Alice said...


You have a total of ONE male cousin with the last name Faulconer and he happens to be married with two children… Is this who you are trying to set my friend up with as a prospective husband?

9:35 AM  
Blogger kacy faulconer said...

You are thinking first cousins only? How about all of the cousins in MO with last names that start with F. I didn't see any requirement stating that Marta's prospects must have a full set of teeth. If that is a requirement then I withdraw my offer.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Christian F said...

That last comment was me, Christian F., not Kacy. Though Kacy has some relatives who are lacking a full set of teeth, their last names don't start with 'F'.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Smarta said...

can someone be cute, even while missing teeth? only reason I mention it, is that that is one of only 4 parameters i have set out... I think going down to three might be..oh .. lowering my standards?

10:38 AM  

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