Monday, January 31, 2005

pitter patter of tiny paws

"A dog naps so hard because it loves so hard."

I've recently started a new job, and I've been working hard. Going in early, getting home late. I miss my puppy (9.5 years old.) She's the best friend a girl could have. She is honest, happy and loving. I miss her. I went to Tahoe, and she stayed at "Grandma's." I am going to get her tonight, and I can't wait for the pitter patter of tiny paws on the hardwood floors. I always miss her.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I'm a 3 today. Yeay!

So is "stress" just a lot of things on your mind? I feel STRESSED when I have a lot going on, a lot of things to remember, deadlines, deliverables, plans. Like last week; lots to do at work; buying a car; selling a car; search for a new roommate; holiday return deadlines; exercise; social engagements; holiday decorations take down & etc. It makes me "stressed" just thinking about it.

Or is it this... Is it that our human brain only has the capacity to function doing oh... let's say 6 things. Six fairly important things can continuously be handled.

And these would have to be 6 singular issues. Not more. (Maybe a person such as the President of the United States (not the current one though) you can handle 8 fairly important things. But with more then eight even he/she gets STRESSED.)
A THING is not necessarily like selling a car.. where you have to clean it, list it, field e-mails, make appointments, show up at meetings, deal with insurance, send in DMV notice... It's more like Get Groceries or Go to Yoga or Get Nails done.

This means that I really only have room for 3 issues to come up in my life. (So I think that is why people make lists. Because it takes some pressure off the mind. You know that your goings-on are safely stored on a piece of paper. Now just don't loose that. =)) I always have Walking the Dog, and usually have Go to Yoga, and Weekend Going Out Plan. Only three slots left if we are to leave me the pleasant well adjusted young urban chick that I like to be. If there is a Thing that needs to be brought up to my attention, I'd appreciate someone checking on how many current issues I'm dealing with. What my NUMBER is.. ooooooh. I think I'm on to something. I might post my number daily at 9am with noon, 3 and 6pm updates (PST).

Today I'm a 3. Walk the Dog. Weekend Plan. Trip to LA.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Weighing in.

This is my theory. I have, on occasion, shared this theory with some friends. I have also shared it with people I have met at bars, that I will never run into again. It is not scientifically proven, but more something that is reaffirmed time after time.. like whenever you can't find your fastpass, you also don't have a dolla and a quata in your wallet.

Girls judge men by yes, no, maybe.
Men have a sliding scale.

When a man walks into a bar... (insert joke here) he immediately asseses the situation. What kind of scene is this? What's the Ratio? What are the other guys like? Average age of citizen etc. Then he goes to his scale. It's kind of like tuning your banjo. It's always ready to be played, but needs to be adjust for distance traveled, song (bullshit)and if there are any amps in use (amps could be anything-drugs, drinks, holiday mood etc.)
Now the girls become 9's, 8'ts 7's... 2's.. whatever. The rating of the girls go up and down all night. And hopefully, he wakes up next to no lower than a 5 the next morning.
A scale that allows for changes in the environment, fluctuates with liquids consumed, and is widely understood in many languages.

When a woman walks into a bar.. She has; Yes, No, Maybe. That's it. No halfsies. No mystery. Yes. No. Maybe. If you are a No- you will always be a No. It is in line with a dream of space travel, to go from a No to a Maybe, yet alone a Yes.
A maybe holds his future in wit and drinks consumed (by lady.)
A Yes.. what can I say. A yes just needs to say hello, my name is.. yes.. would you like to go on a walk?!
Easy as pie.


To spring or bounce back after hitting or colliding with something.
To recover, as from depression or disappointment.

That's about right!? So you date someone...and maybe things don't work out... that's okay. We all know that we have the propensity to rebound; to get back to our original place, position, what-have-you. Now I just need to figure out how..

... how to meet HIM.

I'd like to meet my rebound. He wouldn't have to be all the things I am looking for, just some of them. He could totally have baggage, he could be divorced, he could even be a consultant. =)
Is this asking too much? I know I have asked too much in the past, but really, in this situation, am I not just asking for a little tiny bit? Like couldn't my friends just make new friends.. or be friendlier with some work people? Expand our social circles just a smidgen, so maybe, fantastically, someone I have not yet met, who would not have slid under my previously iron curtain standards, comes to drinks? This seems at times like asking to meet the love of your life.. tonight.. on my way home.. when I promise not to make any eye contact with strangers while holding my pepperspray in front of me. Anyway, so I'd still like to meet my rebound.. lovingly referred to as Mr. R.

One thing that we did find out this weekend.. is that you don't meet him dancing on stage. Oh, well.