Monday, March 28, 2005

Just say "NO"

Someone ratted me out. Yup, folks its true. I just turned 30. I hope you are as shocked, as most. I try my best to keep my immaturity at a fairly high level, even though I've been responsible (credit card debt not included) for my well being for years now. So it's not like it's time to get off Ma's couch or anything, but still there are apparently things associated with this 3-0 thing.

Anyway, here are some thing I heard you should do at 30, which I plan to ignore. =)

1. Stop shopping in the Junior's section.
2. Stop spending money you don't have.
3. Start dating- time's ticking.
4. Stop dating losers.
5. Start exercising more.
6. Volunteer (ha!)
7. Use the good china- Uhm.. what good china?
8. Cut my hair
9. Draw up a will
10. Treat a stranger to dinner (who thought of that one?)

I also have missed the boat on the following things that you are supposed to have done by the time you turn 30:
1. Start saving/buy a home (again, funny one)
2. Get married (and even funnier- I can't lower my standards any more. it'd be unjust to all those I snubbed in the past)
3. Establish yourself in a career (please remember my bout with unemployment just in October)

So what has happened to me in the last 4 years of my life.. Really nothing. Nothing to make this past Sunday SUCH A BIG DEAL. I mean, I'm excited about the party my friends are throwing me, but since no one ever believes me that I am/was 29, and I doubt that has changed in the last 24 hours, I just can't see what the big deal is. And I'll continue blowing off all the good stable advice I keep getting. ... from strangers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Roll out..

Here are a couple of dice games I love. I found the "official" rules for a friend, and thought I'd share in JP. Enjoy!


The roller is given six dice and a maximum of six opportunities to roll. In those six rolls, the roller must roll both a 1 and a 4 to qualify a score. The remaining 4 dice can yield a total of 24 points, hence the name 1-4-24. You must add at least one dice to the scoring pile per roll. If you do not get a 1 and 4 you also cannot double in. If two players have the same highest score, everyone who has qualified gets to "double in". You throw in another bet, and the pot gets bigger. This can happen as many times until there is a single highest scorere.

Pass the Buck

The game is played by putting your money in front of you, ex. 3 $1 bills, then rolling 3 dice.
1- pass $1 to the left
2- nothing
3- pass $3 to the right
4- nothing
5- pass $1 to the center
6- Social
After you roll and pass the money you give the dice to the player on the left. You only roll the number of dice that corresponds to the number of dollar bills in front of you.
A player is never out until one player has the last $ bill and all the other players are empty then that player wins all the money in the center.

Friday, March 04, 2005

March 2005 Horoscope

"The 1st and the 2nd, you could feel a little bit like a reed in a storm: the elements are blowing you in all kinds of directions, and it's cold out there! Luckily, you're a reed, not the proverbial old oak tree -- that is, you can bend with the wind so you won't topple! The storm -- and all those tricky emotions it kicked up -- will blow over by the 3rd, when you'll be ready to take off your rain slicker and strap on your hiking-and-exploring boots for a little high energy action and adventure! Watch out the 9th -- and, for that matter, the 10th -- when an unusual weather pattern could turn into the storm of the century. Make sure you've got your emergency supplies -- batteries, flashlight, emotional maturity -- ready in the basement. By the 11th through the 13th, there's a new kind of hurricane on the horizon. It's a hurly burly bundle of good times, and its name is -- you! Put these insights to good use on the 17th, 18th and 19th, when an emotional challenge might rear its head. After you've successfully dealt with that, plan a celebration for the 24th or 25th. By the end of the month, you can rest on your laurels -- for now!" from ivillage