Sunday, September 11, 2005


... headers and first paragraphs taken from (don't ask)

Know What You’re Looking For
This is really important, because once you get a boyfriend you actually have to spend time with him! That can be a huge drag if he doesn't have the right qualities to make you happy. Make a list of qualities that your ideal boyfriend should have, such as intelligence, looks, sense of humor, a passion for music, or respect for other people's feelings.

*My list of wanted qualities*

Be Ready to Love a New Guy
Do a self-check and make sure you are over old hurts and disappointments in love. You're only set for a new relationship if you can put aside any grudges or crushes on old boyfriends, so you're ready to move on.

Hmmm. Setting aside grudges might be difficult. The crush thing? I think it's healthy to have crushes on people. But overall there is noone in my life that I'd like to be dating.

Put Your Best Self Forward
Attract the type of guy you're looking for by emphasizing your best features and downplaying negative qualities. That means making the most of what you have, both physically and mentally. For example, if you don’t like your flat chest but you’ve got wicked muscular thighs, show off your best assets in cute minis that put the attention on your great legs. If you're not much of a comedian in class, but you are a caring type of person, go out of your way to be helpful to others and let that compassion shine.

Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. Hmm. So is being a smart-ass positive or negative? I guess a flat chest is a negative? Who knew! What is drinking considered?

Have a Life of Your Own
Boys can sense when a girl is desperate for a boyfriend, and it makes them run in the other direction. Most boys want to hook up with confident girls who seem like they don't need a boyfriend to have a good time. If you appear to be happy, self-assured and fun to be around, guys will take a second look at you. Yes, boys like good-looking girls, but beauty only gets you so far. Most boys with any dating experience know that it's better to date a fun and interesting regular chick, than a boring as mud beauty queen.

I hope I can fool them all into thinking that I have a good time with my friends! I hope to APPEAR happy, self-assured and fun.. And again, glad to hear that you have to be EITHER fun and interesting and plain OR boring and cute.

Take a Second Look
Consider any unattached guys at your school or job, or even the sons of your parents' friends. Maybe you think you're already considered everyone, but think again! Open your mind to guys you already know, but might have overlooked for shallow reasons, such as a lame fashion style. When you look deeper, do any of them have the qualities that you want in a boyfriend?

Nope. Still no one. Nope.
.. and yes, I understand the whole theory about picking the best available to you, but c'mon..!

Get Involved
One of the best ways to meet new guys - and to get to know them better - is to get involved in school activities. Find out what's offered at your school, such as clubs, sports teams, and other extra-curricular activities. Join activities that you enjoy or that you are sincerely interested in, so you can meet people with similar interests. From soccer to drama to yearbook, most schools offer many opportunities for teens to get involved. This can be an amazing way to meet new guys, expand your horizons and widen your circle of friends at the same time.

Shit. I don't go to school.

Send a Message
If you have your eye on a certain hottie, let mutual friends know about your interest in him. Ask someone you trust to discreetly tell him about your crush.


Flirting really is a girl's best friend. Once you've set your sights on a cutie, take things to the next step by learning to attract his attention with flirting. This can help you become friendly with him, and you can learn to send the subtle signal that you're interested in becoming more than just friends. You can find awesome flirting tips right in this very Flirting Guide.

I don't know how. I know it's hard to believe, but I think I'm kinda shy.

Try the Direct Approach
For bold girls, sometimes the direct approach applies. This doesn't mean walking up to your crush and saying, "I like you, wanna go out?" which is highly risky and could backfire. Instead, be bold in the right setting, such as asking your crush to dance to a slow song at the school dance, or telling him you had a dream that you two were a couple and it was so sweet. His reaction will let you know if he's interested!

HA HA HA HA. You've got to be f'n kidding.

Keep Your Eyes and Heart Open
Love can surface in unexpected places and at unexpected times. Keep your eyes open wherever you are and learn to look beneath the surface of guys. Remember, the right guy for you is somewhere out there, and he's looking for you too!

He is? I hope he gets here soon, 'cause I just turned thirty, and someone told me last month that i'm pretty much SOL if I dont' start having kids this year.. THANKS!


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